

  • 29,75€
  • Net € 29.75
  • Availability 2-3 days
  • Article no. 550
  • Package: 10 capsulesULES / BOX
  • Substance: prohormone
With Dymethazine, you can expect instant gains in size and strength that will continue for the duration of your cycle. This results from the pro-hypertrophic effects of androgen receptor activation, nitrogen retention and glycogen supercompensation. The combination of these powerful anabolic processes creates an environment for extreme gains in muscle size and strength unlike anything you have ever experienced.

Dymethazine is a unique prohormone that has 2 target hormone conversions, Drostanolone and Drostanolone Hydrazone. Clinical studies have shown that the myotropic (muscle building) effects of Dymethazine's parent hormones were greater than traditional anabolic steroids such as testosterone propionate, Anadrol, and Winstrol. In addition, the nitrogen holdovers were greater than pure methyltosterosterone.

Nitrogen retention is what regulates muscle cells' ability to synthesize new contractile proteins to create muscle tissue. This hypertrophic cascade is carried out through DNA and mRNA transcriptions. Without up-regulating these transcription factors your body cannot build muscles at an optimal rate as it can while using Dymethazine.

In addition to this up-regulation of transcription, the second key to unlocking rapid muscle growth is activation of androgen receptors. By supplementing with Dymethazine, you will dramatically increase androgen receptor activation by flooding the muscle cells with 2 unique anabolic hormones called Drostanolone and Drostanolone Hydrazone. This androgen receptor activation will create a hypertrophic cascade that leads to exceptional muscle growth.

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