Danabol DS 10

Danabol DS 10

  • 114,75€
  • Net € 114.75
  • Availability 2-3 days
  • Manufacturer Body Research
  • Article no. 651
  • Package: 10mg (500 tablets)
  • Stoff: Methandienone oral (Dianabol)

Danabol DS (Methandienona) - a steroid drug with moderate androgenic effects (50% testosterone) and the strong anabolic effect (200% testosterone).

This steroid is mostly used in heavy sports like bodybuilding where it is perfectly proven a means of stimulating muscle growth and increasing strength and endurance volume.

The active drug ingredient Dianabol was first synthesized by American physician John Ziegler in the early 1960s on the basis of the first drug that was published by the same pharmaceutical company Ciba.
Initially, methandrostenolone, which is based on Danabol drugs, was developed for use in medical practice. It would be used to speed up regeneration processes and treatment of burn injuries. It has also been shown that the drug improves the general condition of body tone and women who are given more weight than drug / therapeutic agent. However Dianabol then pumped into a serious sport where it was enjoyed and is still very popular.

Properties that Danabol DS has many and most of them are useful to an athlete. In the first round of the whole list of positive effects secrete effective anabolic effects. According to "Kraft", the drug is several times higher than testosterone and is one of the most effective steroids today (the main effect of the drug is based on the rapid increase in muscle mass through secretion proteins, glycogenolysis). Therefore, if you take one pill and aspirin for 6 weeks at a dose of about 30 mg, you can choose 8 to 10 kg of lean body mass. However, this effect is not final, it is possible to reverse the phenomenon and the subsequent loss of an average of 2 kg. This disadvantage can be eliminated if the nature of the drug corresponds to the recommendations.

As a whole, the Danabol DS action falls not only on muscles, but also on other systems in the body:

• The drug increases the volume of energy;
• Taking pills will improve resistance volume;
• During steroid use losing weight made easy, a decrease in body fat levels, even in small amounts;
• The use of this steroid ensures the strengthening of the bone structure of the body and the bones themselves.

And all this in connection with a great influence, with Danabol DS: accelerates growth and muscle building and increases muscle strength.

But not everything is so simple and perfect. They have this drug and drawbacks. In particular, methandrostenolone is known to be a flavoring agent (possibly converted to estrogen). In addition, serious disadvantages are the considerable time spent searching for the drug akra labs in studies (up to 120 days after receipt).
However, the biggest danger is not this but side effects Danabol DS (Methandienona), some of which are very, very serious. For example, receiving methandienona can negatively affect the liver (the drug is toxic, and its overuse can lead to liver damage).

Hier ist es sich zu erinnern, dass, während "Meta" ist ein schwaches Androgen-Medikament, und aus diesem Grund ist der Standard für die Nebenwirkungen von Steroiden während seines Empfangs selten. Allerdings sind die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen Danabol DS (10 mg) der Tab - diese Akne und Haarausfall oder Haarausfall. Darüber hinaus können Gynäkomastie auftreten, während der Verwendung, die Ansammlung von überschüssiger Flüssigkeit im Körper und Hodenatrophie, aber nur im Falle einer allzu häufigen Verwendung oder die Verwendung von sehr großen Dosen von Steroiden.
Important: for women use Danabol DS - not the best solution, because the drug buy anabolic steroids online leads to the phenomena of masculinization. Girls should choose other means, more reliable and proven.

It is also important information about the storage of the steroid. In principle, this is not a big problem: hide pills from sunlight, carry out storage, avoid them sudden temperature changes. Also, make sure the steroid is within the reach of children.

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