

  • 36,55€
  • Net € 36.55
  • Availability 2-3 days
  • Manufacturer British Dragon
  • Article no. 802
  • Package: 10 ml vial (100 mg / ml)
  • Stoff: Nandrolon phenylpropionate (NPP)

Durabol - injectable steroid with anabolic androgenic activity. Its anabolic properties are well expressed and reduced androgenicity compared to testosterone. The active ingredient of the drug is nandrolone phenylpropionate. Phenylpropionate is ethereally shorter than the well-known decanoate chain, so the body is more digestible and has a smaller action period.
After the injection, the drug remains active for 2-3 days, but the breakdown products can be detected in a year and a half. In bodybuilding, widespread drug use Durabol 100 allows an increase in muscle quality, the strengthening of the ligaments. Also, rising energy an athlete burns fat. Due to the properties of the drug, they are significant, and their anti-inflammatory effects, strengthening the immune system and bones.

In the 1960s came the world's first nandrolone phenylpropionate. Organon producing pharmaceutical giants began releasing the drug. Medical uses include a wide range of diseases, from preventing breast cancer in women and glands, to treating muscle dystrophy. So far, the UK Dragon Durabol course has been allocated to people with stunted growth, recovery and post-operative rehabilitation after injury.

The anabolic properties of nandrolone phenylpropionate have been valued by athletes. Its reception is very suitable for the postseason or recovery from injury. Because of their long recognition in the organism, their use is not suitable for the competition phase. It is often with this preparation athletes begin their careers, with nandrolone phenylpropionate as a starting pad for getting more treated after courses.
Durabol 100 (British Dragon) is used in many sports. The main effect of the drug is intended to increase synthesis and protein absorption by the body, to decrease the loss of protein from the cell. Consequently, anabolic steroids are not too big, but qualitative muscle mass growth, fat burning and strength increase athletes.

Unlike many other anabolic steroids, the drug has a number of unique properties. Strengthens the bones and joints and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthens the immune system. Do not take Durabol 100 to worry about side effects.

Usually while Nandrolone Phenylpropionate takes about 4-8 weeks, depending on an individual athlete.

100 Durabol optimal dose for men is 100 to 600 mg per week. For women, its use is not recommended, but it may be 50-100 mg weekly. Weekly dose is divided into several injections a day or two to ensure a constant high concentration of the active ingredient in the blood.

The drug can be combined with other steroids for best results. The most popular combination among Winstrol, Metandinon, Testosterone Ester, Masteron, Turinabol. At this dose, nandrolone ester decreases and the synergistic effect increases efficiency. Exceeding the recommended dose can cause virilization in women and gynecomastia in men. For prevention you need antiestrogens like Tamoximed.

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