

  • 56,10€
  • Net € 56.10
  • Availability 2-3 days
  • Manufacturer British Dragon
  • Article no. 803
  • Package: 10 ml vial (100 mg / ml)
  • Stoff: Dromastanolone Di-Propionat
General information:
Injectable anabolic steroid
Active ingredient: drostanolone propionate
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 1 vial (10 ml / 100 mg)
General information:
Injectable anabolic steroid
Active ingredient: drostanolone propionate
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 1 vial (10 ml / 100 mg)
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Common names
Masteroxyl, Mastodex, Masteron, Mastaplex, Mastabol, Lixus Mast, Mastabole, Mastebolin, Drostanolon, Dromostanolon, Drostaprogen, Mast, Masto.
Drug description
Transparent oily solution.
Mastabol composition
1 vial contains:
Active ingredient: Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg
Bodybuilding benefits
Injectable steroid that is derivative of dihydrotestosterone with strong androgenic effects and moderate anabolic effects that provides muscle mass and toughness. It ensures a positive nitrogen balance in humans and promotes protein synthesis. One of its main effects is to give considerable strength by keeping body fat levels tight.
Therapeutic indication
In medicine it is mainly used for the treatment of female breast cancer. It can also lower cholesterol levels and can be used as an antineoplastic in treating anizen.
Dosage (men)
400-600 mg per week.
Dosage (women)
100 mg per week.
8 days.
Mastabol side effects
Oily skin, acne, body and facial hair growth, aggression and problems related to pattern male pattern baldness, mood swings, aggressive behavior and typical allergic reactions. Women should use a lower dose to avoid effects such as deepening of the voice and increased body hair.
Mastabol contraindications / precautions
Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or allergic reactions. Not to be used by men with breast cancer, pregnant women or those who are suspected of being, persons known above are hypersensitive to this drug, men with or suspected to have prostate cancer, persons with severe liver, or heart Have kidney disease. Men are advised to seek medical attention in the event of persistent or frequent penile erections. Women should also do so in the case of increased facial hair, changes in the menstrual cycle, acne and hoarseness.
There are no registered cases of overdose.
Mastabol stack / cycle
The length of the cycle is around 6-10 weeks and it is taken in combination with Winstrol Tabs, Parabolan, Primobol Inj., Oxandrol and Testo-P 500 to achieve significant muscle gains as well as Trenboxyl Acetate 100 and Testosterone products when cutting your period.
Packaging presentation
Comes in 10 ml vial (100 mg / ml).
Store in a dry, light-protected place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

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