Testabol Propionate

Testabol Propionate

  • 27,20€
  • Net € 27.20
  • Availability 2-3 days
  • Manufacturer British Dragon
  • Article no. 808
  • Package: 10 ml vial with 100 mg / ml
  • Stoff: Testosterone Propionate

The active ingredient of the drug is testosterone propionate. This is, without exaggeration, the most popular testosterone ester today, for more than half a century, that has been actively used in sports and in medical practice. It is synthesized in the 20th century (1930s), and the pharmacology of the market was a little later due to the efforts of the German company Schering.

Effect Testabol Propionate (testosterone propionate) lasts longer than natural testosterone (the first period of activity - for two days, the second - at least 24 hours). At the same time, the drug is taken as soon as possible for the cause, its effects can be felt within the first hours after the injection.

It is also known that the production of Testabol Propionate British Dragon is powerful steroid agent. Androgenic and anabolic activity of the drug - 100% of endogenous testosterone. Entry leads to the following improvements:

Increase in muscle mass;
Burn fat;
Increasing the stiffness of muscles and relief;
Through rapid increase in performance performance athlete;
Increase libido and sexual activity during the course;
To reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and ischemia.

However, they can appear during the course and side effects caused by high androgen-aromatizing activity and its active ingredient. These are diseases like acne, hair loss, fluid retention in the body, oily skin, gynecomastia and some others (to minimize side effects of the drug and preserve the gains that these remedies need - Tamoxifen / Clomid and Proviron).

In general, exercise, testosterone propionate, and drugs based on it, especially testabol propionate, are men and women. Propionate ester, in contrast to other testosterone only rarely leads to virilization (development of male sexual characteristics in women), which allows athletes to use it relatively safely in the course.

You maintain production Testabol propionate British Dragon is best done in a dry place away from light and moisture. Also, make sure that the bottle with a steroid is in a safe place away from children and pets.

Testosterone Propionate is widely used in sports (bodybuilding, weight lifting, power in disciplines, etc.). The main purpose of its use is to gain muscle mass and strength quality. While rarely used: testosterone propionate athletes are usually combined with other steroids to increase overall return.

How do you have to pass Testabol Propionate course, and most importantly what steroids is possible and necessary to combine? There are so many different combinations, but if you are primarily committed to improving the quality of muscles and increasing strength then this medicine is best taken with Stanozolol, with Turinabol with Trenbolone Acetate, or Oxandrolone.

In particular, excellent results can be achieved by combining Testabol use at a dose of 50 to 100 mg per day and Stanozolol in an amount of around 50 mg per day / daily (further drying process can add Clenbuterol and minimize side effects and a PBC - Tamoxifen and Proviron). The result of this course is a noticeable improvement in muscle quality that increases stiffness and bump.

What are steroids and how to take Testabol Propionate to see bigger muscle growth? That goal will be to achieve the combination with Nandrolone, Methandienona, Boldenone and other powerful steroids.

For example, Methandienona (from the beginning of the course to 30 mg per day) + nandrolone decanoate (starting rate of 200 mg per week) + testosterone propionate (starting rate from a level of about 100 mg every other day). In addition, to eliminate the side effects of this course can be useful antiestrogen tamoxifen (PCT to 30 mg daily for 2-3 weeks in total).

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