

  • 33,15€
  • Net € 33.15
  • AvailabilityIn stock
  • Manufacturer Maxtreme
  • Article no. 519
  • Package: 40mcg (50 tablets)
  • Stoff: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride (Clen)
Common names
Clenbuterol, Clenbuterol, Clenbutaxyl, Clenodex, Clenbut, Clenbuterol, Clenotabs, Clenbuterolic, Dilaterol, Spiropent, Ventipulmin, Arium, Asmeren, Buclen, Clenbudilat, Mucifar, Muconemox, Sivas, Ventoflux, Alvaprol, Brodilan, Brodilin, Clenbroxol, Clenbunal, Clenovet, Monores, Novegam, Oxibron, Risopent, Spiropent, Ventolase.
Drug description
White round pills with a compact and homogeneous structure.
Clenbuterol composition
1 pill contains:
Active ingredient: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride 40 mg
Bodybuilding benefits
It is a bronchodilator and thermogenic agent that helps burn fat and has the ability to increase lean muscle mass. It is widely used for its property of relaxing smooth muscles. Clen also speeds up aerobic capacity, increases oxygen transport and blood pressure and it is often used by bodybuilders and athletes in post cycle therapy.
Therapeutic indication
In medical use, the drug affects the sympathetic nervous system and is responsible for the distribution of andrenoceptors. It is used in the treatment of patients with asthma and other chronic breathing disorders.
Dosage (men)
40-160 mcg pro Tag.
Dosage (women)
40-100 mcg pro Tag.
36 hours.
Clenbuterol side effects
Headaches, insomnia symptoms, have possible negative effects on the thyroid gland and behavior can produce side effects such as severe nervousness, irritability, paranoia and anxiety. Other side effects are: thyrotoxicosis, tachycardia, subaortic stenosis and high blood pressure.
Clenbuterol Contraindications / Precautions
Isn't this recommended for patients with severe asthma, QT prolongation, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and diabetes mellitus. It shouldn't be used by someone who has high blood pressure or high blood pressure.
Excessive use can cause muscle tremors, headaches, dizziness and stomach irritation, as well as nausea, vomiting, sweating and myocardial infarction.
Clenbuterol stack / cycle
The cycle length ranges from 6 to 12 weeks and the dosage should be increased gradually. For cutting stacks, it can be used with Testosterone, Anavar and Winstrol. It's also often stacked with Cytomel to ensure better results in PCT.
Packaging presentation
40 mcg Pills.
Store in a dry, light-protected place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

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