

  • 72,25€
  • Net € 72.25
  • AvailabilityIn stock
  • Manufacturer Maxtreme
  • Article no. 534
  • Package: 10 ampoules (100mg / ml)
  • Stoff: Drostanolone Propionat (Masteron)
MAX-PRO (drostanolone propionate) is an injectable anabolic steroid derived from dihydrostestosterone (DHT). Here the DHT has been modified with a 2-methyl group to increase its anabolic properties, making this drug far more effective than the non-methylated DHT at promoting muscle growth. Drostanolone Propionate was founded in the 1950s. A company called Syntex developed the compound along with other popular steroids such as Anadrol and Superdrol. About ten years later, Masteron drostanolone was first introduced as a prescription drug.

In the United States, the FDA approved drostanolone for use in postmenopausal women to treat unresectable breast cancer. Eventually, other prescription drugs were developed that better served the same terms that this drug was originally approved, and slowly the manufacturer began to voluntarily cancel production. Now days, this drug is no longer available as a prescription drug and can only be bought on the black market, where it is still a popular compound among the bodybuilding and performance enhancement community.

Masteron, as it is often mentioned, is a steroid with moderate anabolic properties. This steroid is most commonly used by bodybuilders who are preparing for a show due to the fact that its androgenic nature will give it a tough, defined look on the muscles. Masteron users often report increases in strength and muscle strength. It is also used by athletes in speed and weight controlled sports where it is a favorite due to its ability to produce good gains in muscle mass and strength with some reduction in body fat and minimal side effects.

MAX-PRO (Drostanolone Propionate) cannot convert to estrogen, which means that estrogenic side effects like water bloating and gynecomastia shouldn't be a concern while performing this steroid. Masteron is most commonly used in cutting cycles where it is stacked with other hardening, non-flavoring agents such as Trenbolone and Winstrol. These types of cycles usually do not produce water weight and the mass obtained from them is quality hard muscle mass. Masteron can be androgenic and the usual androgen-related side effects are possible from using this substance. Androgenic side effects can include things like oil skin, acne, and increased body and facial hair. Like all other anabolic / androgenic steroids in dosages that can promote muscle growth, Masteron can suppress the body's natural testosterone function and production. For this reason, a proper post cycle therapy protocol should be followed after a cycle has been discontinued. Most users usually choose to run agents like Clomid and HCG to effectively start their bodies producing testosterone from the testicles and pituitary gland again.

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